Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My First Time

I had my very first craft show this weekend.
I almost recovered the entry fee.
But if compliments were cash, I'd be swimming in money right now!
Luckily for us, there was this sweet couple next to us, and he came in and gave us a lot of sage advice. He told me I should adjust my pricing (Up!) because if it's too low, people get the impression it's not worth much. How to better our display, and most important...

When you can, TEAR DOWN THE WALLS!

So I'll be sending Jim mostly solo next weekend to a festival that's just starting out, and the entry fee couldn't be beat... FREE!
And I've signed on to do a festival in October, and it's pretty busy. I've learned a few things, so we'll hope for the best.
A few pictures of my wares, and no completely ignore the setup.
Some of the Deco Frames

Flower Hair Clips

Button hair clips

 Resin Necklaces  

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